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Budapest Synagogue Tours Explore Europes Largest Synagogue

Budapest Synagogue Tours: Explore Europe's Largest Synagogue

Visiting the Great Synagogue

Nestled in Budapest's Jewish Quarter, the Dohány Street Synagogue is an architectural marvel and one of Europe's most iconic synagogues. As the largest synagogue on the continent, it offers visitors a unique and unforgettable experience.

How to Visit

Guided tours are available daily, providing insights into the synagogue's history, architecture, and significance. Visitors can also admire the beautifully restored interior, complete with intricate mosaics and stunning stained-glass windows.

Opening Hours

The Great Synagogue is open to visitors from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Sunday through Friday, and from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Saturdays. On Jewish holidays, the synagogue closes at 2:00 PM.

What to Expect

During the tour, visitors can expect to learn about the history of the Jewish community in Budapest, the architectural significance of the building, and the role it played in the city's cultural and religious life. The synagogue also houses a museum and a Jewish cemetery, offering a comprehensive insight into Jewish history and culture.
