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Amber Rose Model Rapper And Slutwalk Advocate

Amber Rose: Model, Rapper, and SlutWalk Advocate

Early Life and Career

Amber Rose Levonchuck was born on October 21, 1983, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She began her career as a model and gained recognition after appearing in the music video for Kanye West's "Gold Digger." Rose later ventured into rap music, releasing her debut single "Fame" in 2012.

SlutWalk and Activism

In 2015, Rose founded the SlutWalk movement, an annual event that aims to raise awareness about victim-blaming and sexual violence. Through the SlutWalk, Rose has advocated for women's rights and challenged societal norms surrounding women's sexuality.

Rose has also been vocal about her experiences as a survivor of sexual assault. In 2019, she spoke out about being raped at the age of 17, sparking a public discussion about the prevalence of sexual violence against women.

Current Projects

In recent years, Rose has continued to advocate for women's empowerment and social justice. She has launched a podcast called "The Amber Rose Show," where she interviews guests about topics related to feminism, race, and pop culture.

Rose has also remained active in the entertainment industry, appearing in films such as "Straight Outta Compton" and "Sister Code." In 2023, she announced plans to release a new rap album, marking her return to music after a hiatus.
